
+971 5540 48011


A to Z of Research


This is a versatile and a practical module designed to
  • Develop attendees well equipped with different multiple research methods, approaches and skills
  • Have a clear understanding of planning and developing the research proposal
  • Build Art of reviewing the work of others critically while analyzing and interpreting data tactfully
  • Make attendees able to address gaps in theoretical and methodological aspects of the research while undertaking research
  • Make participants able to select appropriate research design for hypotheses they wish to address
  • Develop questionnaire for data collection, scientifically validate the scale, and to manage field operations.
  • Operate SPSS software, step by step, starting from the initial level till the advanced inferential statistical analysis and interpretation
  • Operate AMOS, extension of SPSS, step by step, to perform advance level statistical analysis as SEM
  • Operate Nvivo software, step by step, for analysis of qualitative content e.i., content analysis and interviews
  • Online and offline referencing
  • Produce academic and publishable (international refereed) research papers and reports
  • Make participants well aware of the practical problems which are to be confronted during higher degree dissertation

Workshop content

Topic Selection & problem Identification
  • The challenges of managing self & research environment
  • Basic factors to select research topic
  • Refining research topic
  • Basic challenges of pre-writing
  • Focusing on research problem
  • Pre-bibliography
  • Delimitating research
  • Addressing Plagiarism issues
  • Optimized used of Online resources
Literature Reviewing Techniques
  • Literature reviewing techniques
  • Drafting structure of Literature Review
  • Identifying controversies & GAP
  • Writing Literature review (Citation styles, paraphrasing, Language focus, Reporting verbs)
  • Theoretical and conceptual framework development
Methodological Framework
  • Developing methodological framework, solving mismatch between research methodology & objectives
  • Sampling technique selection, Sample size calculation, Sample to generalizability
  • Variable type & Data collection technique
  • Scale development techniques
  • Developing methodological framework, solving mismatch between research methodology & objectives
  • Primary and secondary data collection techniques
  • Introduction stage
    • SPSS basics; Output and data view, Data coding, Defining Variable & data entry, right scale allocation
  • Data preparation stage
    • Computing Variables, Dealing with missing variables, Creating dummy variables, variable re-specification, scale transformation, Dealing with unreliable data (reliability and validity analysis); factor analysis
  • Data Analysis stage
    • Research objectives, research questions, Item formation, interpretation, conclusion and practical implications will be discussed regarding, frequencies including measures of location, measures of variability, and measures of shape, Data analysis associated with cross-tabulations and the associated statistics with chi-square. One Sample t-test, two Independent sample t-test
    • Research objectives, research questions, Item formation, interpretation, conclusion and practical implications will be discussed regarding, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique and its relationship to the t test and MANOVA Decomposition of the total variation, measurement of effects, significance testing, and interpretation of results
    • Research objectives, research questions, Item formation, interpretation, conclusion and practical implications will be discussed regarding, Product moment correlation, partial correlation, and show how they provide a foundation for regression analysis
    • Research objectives, research questions, Item formation, interpretation, conclusion and practical implications will be discussed regarding, Bivariate regression analysis and describe the General model, estimation of parameters, standardized regression coefficient, significance testing, Specialized techniques used in multiple regression analysis, particularly stepwise regression, regression with dummy variables, and Assumptions of Regression analysis
  • Linear regression analysis Amos
  • ANOVA test using AMOS
  • ANCOVA test using AMOS
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique
  • Getting started with organizing project using NVIVO and data
  • Analysis activities – linking, searching using NIVIVO
  • Reporting activities – modeling, charting & visualizing; extracting information using NIVIVO
Selling your research & Impact factor publication
  • Citation & referencing in research using Endnote (X4)
  • Drafting conclusion
  • Ways of writing abstract
  • Research presentation & difficult questions handling techniques
  • Tips to get impact factor publication
  • Develop book, research paper & conference paper from Thesis
  • Techniques of getting fund for conference/ research paper publication
  • Selling your research work

Workshop duration: 4-5 days maximum

Note: Send email at and/or to register for research workshop, before/after conference.

We also arrange customized “research workshop” for universities/institutes, on special request, for further details, send email at and/or