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Dear Colleagues,
I am thrilled to share that ABMC has successfully conducted 25 conferences, marking a significant milestone in our journey to advance knowledge and foster innovation across the globe. With each event, we have continued to build a vibrant community of scholars, researchers, and industry leaders committed to pushing the boundaries of their respective fields.
Over 3,000 researchers from different parts of the world have presented their cutting-edge research at our conferences, representing a diverse range of disciplines and perspectives. We are proud to have hosted keynote speakers from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Oxford, UCL, Yale, Imprerial College London and Stanford, as well as Editors and Associate Editors from top-tier journals. These leaders have inspired our community with their insights and set a high standard for the quality of discourse at our events.
One of the hallmarks of our conferences is the rigorous selection process for paper presentations. Selected papers are forwarded to esteemed journals for review, and we take pride in the fact that many of these papers have gone on to achieve publication, contributing valuable knowledge to the global academic community.
In addition to our academic focus, we are also committed to bridging the gap between research and industry. Our conferences regularly feature CEOs and industry leaders who engage with researchers to explore opportunities for applied research collaboration. These interactions have led to impactful partnerships, driving innovation that addresses real-world challenges.
As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to providing a platform for intellectual exchange, fostering collaborations, and supporting the dissemination of groundbreaking research. I extend my deepest gratitude to all of you—our participants, partners, and supporters—who have made these achievements possible. Together, we will continue to shape the future of research and innovation.
Thank you for being a part of the ABMC community. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and to witnessing the incredible advancements that will emerge from our shared efforts.


Warm Regards,
Prof. Rock-Antoine Mehanna, Ph.D
CEO/Member Board of Directors
Academy of Business Management Confernces (ABMC)